Memahami Reduce Form 2

Penggunaan Reduce Form sangat perlu dipahami untuk mengetahui percakapan antara penutur asli Bahasa inggris, Reduce Form sering digunakan dalam acara TV, film, musik, sastra, dan dalam percakapan antara penutur asli bahasa Inggris 
Berikut Pola  Reduce Form:
Reductions - what + is + word

whassup -------> what  is up
whatser -------.>
what  is her
whatsiz -------->what is his

Reductions - word + me
gimme--------> give me
lemme -------->let me

Reductions - word + you
 betcha --------> bet you
 doncha -------->don't you
 getcha -------->get you
gotcha -------->got you
howarya -------->how are you
howdya -------->how do you do
howjya -------->how did you
howujya -------->how would you
jya --------> did you
whaddaya --------> what do you
whaddaya -------->what are you
wancha -------->want you
whajya-------->what did you
whenjya -------->when did  you
wherjya -------->where did you
whojya -------->who did  you
 woujya -------->would  did you

Reductions - word + have
 coulda --------> could have
 mighta -------->might have
 musta -------->must have
 shoulda -------->should have
 woulda -------->would have

 Reductions - word + to
 gonna --------> going to
 gotta -------->got to
 hafta --------> have to
 hasta --------> has to
 oughta --------> ought to
 wanna --------> want to

 Reductions - word + of
 frunna --------> front of
 kinda -------->kind of
 kindsa --------> kinds of
 lotsa -------->lots of
 lotta -------->lot of
 outta -------->outta
 sorta -------->short of
 typa-------->type of

 Reductions - did + you + word
 jeet --------> did you eat
 jev --------> did you have
 jever  --------> did you ever
