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Penggunaan Kata Think Yang Benar |
What do you think of his latest film? (BUKAN What are you thinking of his latest film?)
Who do you think did this? (BUKAN Who are you thinking did this?)
Think memiliki arti lain, ketika memikirkan sesuatu tentang rencana atau pertimbangan, progressive verb forms yang digunakan sebaiknya
What are you thinking about? (BUKAN What do you think about?)
I am thinking of going abroad. (BUKAN I think of going abroad.)
I am thinking of going abroad. (BUKAN I think of going abroad.)
SETELAH think, gunakan -ing (gerunds). Infinitives Adalah hal wajib bila terdapat objek.
I am thinking of writing a novel. (BUKAN I am thinking to write a novel.)
Think + object + to be + complement
Pola think + object + complement adalah pola yang digunakan dalam kondisi sangat formal
I thought him a stupid.
To be biasanya digunakan sebelumis complement.
They thought her to be a spy.
Dalam kondisi kurang formal, that-clauses digunakan setelah think.
I thought that he was a stupid. (Lebih kasar dari ‘I thought him a stupid.)
They thought that she was a spy.
I thought that he was a stupid. (Lebih kasar dari ‘I thought him a stupid.)
They thought that she was a spy.
Dalam indirect speech
Kata think tidak digunakan untuk indirect questions.
Kata think tidak digunakan untuk indirect questions.
I was wondering if you could lend me some money. (BUKAN I was thinking if you could lend me some money.)